Jim Tabor is my brother.
Recently he has had some health issues - heart attack last year and just got out of the hospital a few hours ago after passing out at work a few days ago. It got me to thinking about my big brother (2 years older than me).
Sure, we fought growing up but no one else at school could pick on me...he had my back. Sure, we had some disagreements at home...sorry about the front door mom.
But I still remember the joy when we got that mini-bike for Christmas and raced outside in the freezing weather of North Lima Ohio to try it out. It was a blast.
While I ended up in Florida, Jim and his family still live in Ohio. Jim has stayed close to our roots and is a strong anchor for the family.
Sure, I'm the one who went to College and grad school but truth be told - he is the more avid reader and smarter brother - don't tell him I said that. Traditional education didn't serve his talents well - but Jim has been a Police officer and owned his own small business. Never afraid of hard work he now punches the clock working on the railroad.
Jim, like me, is a man of faith, a husband and a father. These are our sacred vows. Our happiness is based on putting a smile on the face of Our Father in Heaven.
I am very proud of my brother and I know tonight that God is happy to see a man work so hard for his family that he would risk his health and safety to provide for thier well being and comfort.
Get well soon big brother - get well soon. God Bless.
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