Friday, August 14, 2009

Breakdown at Work

I just had to get this out there...

At times when I am at work and I hear certain songs on the radio or cd player (yes, cd not mp3), I freeze and almost start to bawl my eyes out.

Today it was the Rascal Flatts Single ''Here Comes Goodbye'' - I was overcome with thoughts about my daughter Fairlight. I miss her sooooo much sometimes.

Goodbye comes too soon for some and for all those parents out there who have had to say that terrible word to their's ok to cry. And cry a lot.

Until we get to the place where there will be no more tears, may the God of all comfort show you His love.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Grandpa Vitko's worklife

Saw a video of a wartime film (1944) featuring my hometown of Youngstown. It showcases the place my grandpa worked at. In 15 minutes I learned more than he could have ever told me about his job.

I think about the price he paid so his kids and grandkids could have a better life.

I need to remember the blast furnace when I complain about how cold the A/C is in the building where I sit in front of a computer and drink coffee to work.

Thank you God for my grandpa.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Belated Mom's Day

Dear Mom,

You were there from the beginning...obviously.

You were the first person I heard pray. You read me my first Bible story.

You always told me i could do anything...except be bad. And when i was, you...corrected me.

When i left home you always left the light on for me.

When your granddaughter flew ahead to heaven - you flew to be by our side.

For all the time you listened...for all the times you stayed up to make sure i was safe...for all the meals, laundry, and never ending faith...

thank you.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Shopping with Davy - thank you everybody

Tavia, Davy, and I went to Wal-Mart today. Tavia met a mom of one of Davy's past classmates in the lobby and wanted to stay and catch up so - Davy and I proceeded to do the mini-grocery shopping.

I was pushing the cart and Davy did a great job of keeping up. I didn't have to hold Davy's hand once. He listened to me and helped me get the shopping done. We didn't see mommy again until check out on register 4.

I wanted to share this wonderful "normal" moment - I will treasure it in my heart for a long time. I love my son.

Thank you to everyone that has ever and will ever help my son. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Life is like chocolate

The sweet stuff makes you fat...the bitter stuff (see also 65% or more cacao) makes you better.

No matter what, I want to be the one to remind you today that God loves you.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Heritage and Heart

Yeah, times are tough. Heritage and Heart are tougher.

I take comfort that my great-grandparents and grandparents lived through the great depression. I remember hearing tales of hard times and working in coal mines. I recall listening to advice to slow down and enjoy the simple things of life...the advice was good in the 1980's when I first heard it and all the more precious now.

My grandma ALWAYS had a pitcher of ice tea in the fridge - it was a hospitality thing I think. No matter who you were, if you stopped by grandma's house you could enjoy iced tea...BTW it usually had a lemon sliced in half in it. Now, here in Florida - Tavia ALWAYS has iced tea in the fridge.

I remembered one of grandma vitko's kitchen treats last month - it's called cherries delight - yummo! Here is a link to a similar recipe,1813,149191-228199,00.html

I told Tavia I'd like it for my birthday in April - instead of cake. Then I forgot about it.

Fast forward to Valentine's Day eve - I came home to the wife of my youth and she gave me a card and a note that said - check the fridge...and next to the ice tea was another memory from grandma vitko's kitchen..cherries delight - I was floored!

Floored not by a big screen TV or new computer or night on the town...I was floored by the powerfully simple gesture of love and care. You got me Tavia...then again you have had me for 16 years. Happy anniversary.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My brother

Jim Tabor is my brother.

Recently he has had some health issues - heart attack last year and just got out of the hospital a few hours ago after passing out at work a few days ago. It got me to thinking about my big brother (2 years older than me).

Sure, we fought growing up but no one else at school could pick on me...he had my back. Sure, we had some disagreements at home...sorry about the front door mom.

But I still remember the joy when we got that mini-bike for Christmas and raced outside in the freezing weather of North Lima Ohio to try it out. It was a blast.

While I ended up in Florida, Jim and his family still live in Ohio. Jim has stayed close to our roots and is a strong anchor for the family.

Sure, I'm the one who went to College and grad school but truth be told - he is the more avid reader and smarter brother - don't tell him I said that. Traditional education didn't serve his talents well - but Jim has been a Police officer and owned his own small business. Never afraid of hard work he now punches the clock working on the railroad.

Jim, like me, is a man of faith, a husband and a father. These are our sacred vows. Our happiness is based on putting a smile on the face of Our Father in Heaven.

I am very proud of my brother and I know tonight that God is happy to see a man work so hard for his family that he would risk his health and safety to provide for thier well being and comfort.

Get well soon big brother - get well soon. God Bless.