So, for those who don't know on May 11th I had a seizure at work. After an MRI they found out it was a tumor. They removed the tumor from my frontal lobe. It was the size of a small tangerine. It was benign but aggressive - that is why I will be starting 6 weeks of 5 day a week radiation treatments this Wednesday.
This was out of the blue - no warning signs. When it hit me all I could think is that I need to get to Tavia and Davy. I apologize to the EMTs - they tell me I was combative. In the midst of that is when I feel God told me "I've got Tavia and Davy - stay down." People - for those doubters in the cheap seats lemme tell ya - GOD IS REAL.
My mom and brother flew down from Ohio to help be with me at the hospital while Tavia shuttled between Orlando and Poincianna taking care of Davy (along with my great mom-in-law Ruth and respite care worker Divanna).
I am hurting but wanted all to know I am fine and will make a full recovery by His grace and for His glory.
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