Friday, August 15, 2008

Save 25% on property taxes - at what price?

Florida needs to wake up when it comes to schools. Thankfully Amendment 5 has been shot down in court before it got to a vote. What were they thinking cutting property taxes by 25% by selling out eduction?

Do you really want to save the 25% by putting the school systems in a bigger tailspin than Amendment 1 has already? What do you think would happen to the juvenile crime rate if even more kids couldn't get a proper eduction? How would that impact your real estate?

Charlie Crist lied about Amendment 1 and he lies about Amendment 5! It will crush the school systems if it ever passes...thankfully we dodged this bullet...for now.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Storyboard Wise

So, I was working on a project the other day and was reminded of the import of storyboards.

A few years back I was in film school and we were studying Citizen Kane when someone said Orson Welles didn't use storyboards - he just had the vision and shot on the fly.

"Really," I thought to myself.

As we progressed in the semester we had a chance to talk to Robert Wise - the editor on Citizen Kane. I asked Mr. Wise if storyboards were used and I'll never forget the look he gave was akin to "you idiot" but his words were kinder. He said something to the effect of "Yes, of course we used storyboards - those were some of the most difficult shots on film to date."

So my lesson - plan your work and work your plan.